UCC Norwell helps pack another container for El Salvador

boxes filled with items donated fill the back of a vehicle

We're excited to share an update on our ongoing mission to support ASAPROSAR in El Salvador. A jam-packed carload of donations is already on its way to the warehouse, where it will be meticulously cataloged for its journey across the ocean.

Did you know? The ocean flatbox container, that is mainly filled with Eye Campaign materials including furniture, equipment, medications, etc., also includes items donated by UCC Norwell for other ASAPROSAR programs, and it will be finalized by September 31 for an early November departure.

A big thank you to Liz Gruber, a dear friend of Eloise Clawson, who's diligently creating a manifest for all the donated items (except the Eye Campaign contributions).

Here's a glimpse of what's on board:

  • Notebooks for every student

  • A plethora of markers, pens, and pencils for the Barefoot Angel's Program (enough to kick off the new year in style)

  • New supplies for teachers

  • Clothing donations – a steady stream of generosity

  • Supplies for the women's microcredit programs

  • Essential items for the Trauma Center

  • Over 100 toothbrushes for the dental hygiene program

This incredible outpouring is a testament to the UCC Norwell spirit. We've already sent two other carloads brimming with supplies, and the giving continues.

A heartfelt thank you

We want to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your contributions, whether material donations, monetary support, or heartfelt prayers, are all equally valuable. We understand that giving is a personal act, and we appreciate your generosity according to your means.

It's a privilege to represent UCC Norwell as a liaison for this important mission.

El Salvador trip in October

Exciting news! We're forming a fantastic group from both Hingham UCC and Norwell UCC for our October trip to El Salvador. There are still a few spots available if you're interested in joining us. Please contact Sue Domey-Allen for more information.


Church Council: Meeting in a Minute | August 27, 2024


Celebrating 35 Years of Partnership with ASAPROSAR