Celebrating 35 Years of Partnership with ASAPROSAR

large group posed together

For over 35 years, UCC Norwell has been proud to partner with the Salvadoran Association for Rural Health (ASAPROSAR), an incredible organization dedicated to providing eye health care and extensive social outreach programs to impoverished communities in El Salvador. Each year, ASAPROSAR reaches over one million adults, youth, and children, transforming lives and building healthier communities.

ASAPROSAR's clinic is celebrated for its focus on eye care, providing essential services that restore vision and improve quality of life. But their impact goes far beyond health care. Through a variety of social outreach programs, they empower individuals and communities to thrive. Here's a glimpse into the incredible work they do:

  • The Barefoot Angel’s Program: This initiative supports at-risk youth aged 6 to 18, offering education, mentorship, and a safe space to grow and learn.

  • The Sprouts of Hope Program: Serving children from prenatal through preschool (0 to 6 years) and their parents, this program provides early childhood education and parental support to foster strong, healthy families.

  •  The Rural/Urban Micro-Credit Lending Program: With a focus on women, this program provides individual and group loans to help start and grow small businesses, promoting financial independence and economic stability.

  •  The Environmental Program: Through education on environmental stoves, water purification systems, and composting latrines, this program helps preserve the land and promote sustainable living.

  • The Small Species Program: By teaching families to grow their own food (vegetables and soybeans) and raise small animals (chickens, goats, rabbits), this program ensures access to nutritious food and protein.

At UCC Norwell, we are honored to support ASAPROSAR through our Mission and Outreach Grant Program, providing financial assistance to help sustain their vital work. Additionally, we offer hands-on volunteering opportunities, allowing our congregation to engage directly with these transformative programs.

 January mission trip: the Eye Campaign 

Every January, a large group of volunteers, including members of UCC Norwell, travel to El Salvador to assist with the Eye Campaign. This initiative has grown into its own non-profit organization, Partners for Visual Health. Volunteers play a crucial role in providing eye care services and restoring vision to those in need. To learn more about this organization and how to get involved, visit Partners for Visual Health.

 October mission trip: social outreach programs

For over three decades, the UCC Norwell October mission trip has focused on relationship-building through ASAPROSAR's social outreach programs. A smaller group of volunteers spends a day in each program, listening, learning, and participating in various activities and projects throughout the week. This immersive experience deepens our connection with the communities we serve and reinforces our commitment to making a positive impact.

 To stay updated on ASAPROSAR's latest initiatives and achievements, visit their website at ASAPROSAR, Facebook, or Instagram accounts. For more information about our mission trips and how to get involved, please reach out to Susan Domey-Allen, our ASAPROSAR liaison.

 Join us in celebrating this enduring partnership and the remarkable work of ASAPROSAR. Together, we continue to make a difference, one life at a time.

Contributed by: Susan Domey-Allen, ASAPROSAR liaison + congregation member


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