Church Council: Meeting in a Minute | August 27, 2024

Church Council met on August 27, 2024. The recent Council meeting was packed with important updates and decisions. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:

  • Open and Affirming anniversary: Plans are underway to commemorate the 25th anniversary of becoming an Open and Affirming congregation​ on September 15, 2024.

  • Ministry Team fair: Presented by Moderator-Elect Andy Schlosser, the Ministry Team Fair will be held on September 29​th this year.

  • Planning Center: The church is exploring the use of Planning Center to improve communication, organization, and to plan events and coordinate volunteers. The Planning Center Task Force includes Melissa Crichton, John Dawson, Emily Mathews, Alex Neefus, and Peter Strobel.

  • 60th anniversary: Betsy Brink has generously agreed to lead a team who will plan the 60th Anniversary celebration for October 9, 2025​​.

  • Green Team: The team is investigating solar panels and heat pumps for the church building. Team members include James Koehler, Evgyne Lovignova, and Gregg McBride.

  • Music Minister search: The search committee is actively seeking a new Music Minister. The team outlined the process, set short-term goals including surveying the congregation with both a digital survey and roundtable discussions in September and assigned key roles. Denise Miller will chair the committee, assisted in key roles by John (JD) Murray (digital asset manager); Helen Burgess (scribe); Laurie Galvin (communications), and Paul Allen (spiritual guide).

  • Playground construction: The new playground is nearing completion.

  • Racial Justice Ministry: The RJMT subcommittee of Jack Spurr, Carl Isihara, Matt Hawk, Betsy Brink, and Leanne Walt is launching a new campaign called "THIS is Christianity" to amplify the church's voice against Christian nationalism. We have forged a partnership with FCC Williamstown and First Congregational Church of Dekalb, IL (both UCC). Launch for social media campaign will be late August/early September, likely. The subcommittee is forming a separate non-profit organization for this initiative which has already been approved by the attorney general.

  • Financial update: The church is currently operating on a healthy financial footing, with a year-to-date operating gain. Pledge collection is on track, and the treasurer's report indicated that expenses are within budget.

  • Associate Pastor report: Pastor Peter shared updates on his plans for the youth ministry program. ​For youth group this year, there will be a separation of grades 6-8 an​d 9-12. The program will align with what is happening in worship so parents will have an idea of what their children are learning about each week. Pastor Peter has a rough draft of a full calendar of ideas for the high schoolers for the year, and through December for church school.

  • Pastor’s report:​ For the 2024-2025 program year, we will embark on a year-long journey through the bible, taking as our theme: Walking in the Word​. Through adult small groups, worship, church school, youth programming, we will study the bible from Genesis to Revelation. The Holy Imagination​ by Judy Fentress Williams will be the guide Rev. Leanne uses with small groups and Bible studies.

  • Signage update: The ​Signage ​T​ask Force presented a new design for the church sign.

  • Summer Worship + Bible study: Moderator Cara Hamilton shared that at first glance over 70% of those who responded preferred Wednesday worship for summer. We will also reach out to the deacons and ushers for their feedback. Based on all feedback we will decide how to proceed with Summer 2025 worship

  • Homecoming: The church is gearing up for its annual Homecoming celebration. Erin Griffith will be organizing this year. Homecoming will also be a welcome celebration for Associate Pastor Peter Strobel.

  • Next Meeting: September 24 at 7pm, UCCN library

Please note, these are not official meeting minutes. These are highlights intended to inform and emphasize the collaborative spirit driving our church community forward in an inclusive manner. Official meeting minutes are available by request from Debbie Wheeler, the Parish Administrator. For further details, check back in to this blog and our weekly newsletter. Keep an eye out for future meeting updates, briefly!


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