How To Pray
read: Matthew 6:5-15
Pray then in this way: Father in heaven, hallowed by your name. Matthew 6:9
Jesus taught his disciples to pray. His instructions were clear and direct. Pray in secret. Don’t practice your piety before others. Don’t offer wordy, effusive prayers. Pray simply. Trust that God knows what you need before you speak, but pray anyway. Always pray for forgiveness, and put your prayer into action by forgiving others. For Jesus, prayer should be intimate and concise, and prompt us to deal with others as we have requested that God deal with us. This might all be a way of saying to his disciples—and to us all—don’t over think, just pray.
How do you pray?
Lord. Let your will be done in my life and in your world. Provide for my needs. Forgive me, and help me to forgive others. Encourage me when I am tempted to falter in my faith. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN.