I Have People

read: Acts 18:1-11

Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent…for there are many in this city who are my people.’     Acts 18:9&10

One of the most common admonitions in the Bible is “Do not be afraid,” “Do not fear,” “Do not worry.” While we know fear to be a potent enemy to the vitality of our lives, the Bible is not always clear why we should not be afraid. In this story, however, Paul’s vision is clear. You don’t need to be afraid because God has people around you who will take care of you. Just as God is working in your life, God is working in the lives around you, and God will use those people to sustain you in your life and ministry. God has people in the city, God has people in all countries, God has people in every boardroom, classroom, emergency room, and courtroom in the world. Therefore you should not fear, for protectors hover about you even when you are unaware of them.

What people has God placed around you?

Lord, I tend to believe in what I can see and measure and control. And yet, you are at work behind the scenes in my life and in the lives of countless others. Perhaps I should trust more and fear less, knowing that protectors are gathered around me just beyond my sight. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN.


How To Pray


Freedom in Spirit