Church Council: Meeting in a Minute | May 28, 2024

Church Council met on May 28, 2024. The meeting covered financial updates, digital engagement initiatives, plans for the rainbow doors and upcoming celebrations, and preparations for the fall stewardship campaign and summer worship. Here's a snapshot:

  • Financial update: John Dawson provided a positive financial update, noting that pledges and other income are ahead of last year, despite some unexpected building maintenance costs.

  • Digital engagement: Cara Hamilton discussed digital engagement, highlighting an upcoming presentation on digital privacy and plans for future sessions to support members' digital literacy, with help from the UCC Youth.

  • Ministry Team communication: Andy Schlosser will now be coordinating directly with Ministry Team Leads and encouraged teams to host coffee hours.

  • Rainbow doors initiative: Council is excited to recreate the rainbow doors from 2017, symbolizing inclusivity, with a painting session set for June 9. As UCC Norwell approaches its 25th anniversary of being Open and Affirming, celebration plans are underway.

  • Signage Team: A new Signage Team has been established and will convene in June to discuss updates and plans.

  • Stewardship campaign: The Stewardship Ministry is preparing for the fall campaign and welcomes input and assistance from the congregation.

  • Communication + blogging: The council discussed the importance of the UCC Norwell blog for sharing updates with the congregation. They plan to link the blog updates in the weekly newsletter.

  • Pumpkin fundraiser: The popular Pumpkin fundraiser will return this fall, with more details available in August.

  • Summer worship: Survey results indicated a preference for Wednesday night services during the summer. Rev. Leanne Walt reported positive feedback from members willing to host dinners before services.

  • The New Nursery School compensation plan: Council voted to approve a modified compensation plan for the New Nursery School, providing a flat bonus to all staff members.

Please note, these are not official meeting minutes. These are highlights intended to inform and emphasize the collaborative spirit driving our church community forward in an inclusive manner. Official meeting minutes are available by request from Debbie Wheeler, the Parish Administrator. For further details, check back in to this blog and our weekly newsletter. The next Church Council meeting is scheduled for June 25 from 7:00pm - 9:00pm in the library. Keep an eye out for future meeting updates, briefly!


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