Family Values
READ: MATTHEW 12:46-50
For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. Matthew 12:50
Families are complicated. Family histories can be painful. And even the highest functioning families have their fair share of skeletons stuffed away in closets. Family life is messy, but family was just the kind of community Jesus tried to cultivate. Jesus’ concept of family was both broad and challenging. A family member of Jesus Christ could be anyone who did the will of God. Blood relations were not nearly as important to Jesus as faith connections. For Jesus, values define God’s family—not our values, but God’s. If you are willing to obey your Father in heaven, then you can be assured that you have Jesus as a brother.
What are your family values?
Lord, my family of origin often disappoints me. If I am honest with myself, I know I must disappoint my family as well. Even the best families are saddled with grief, hurt feelings, and unmet expectations. Why you would want to get into the family business is beyond my ability to understand. And yet, family is what you call us to. So, help me to take my place at your side as your sibling by trying to do the will of our Father in the world. For you are all the family I ever need. In your name, I pray. AMEN.