Jesus Walks on Water
READ: MARK 6:45-52
But immediately Jesus spoke to the disciples and said, ‘Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.’ Mark 6:50
The disciples saw Jesus walking on the water and they thought he was a ghost. Whether or not we believe in ghosts, seeing a man walking on the water past our boat in the dark of the night would be enough to scare most of us to death. However, Jesus moved quickly to address the disciples’ growing anxiety. “Take heart, it is I.” Jesus changed his course, got in their boat, and extinguished the disciples’ fear. Which is to say that Jesus’ trip across the lake was interrupted by his compassion for his friends. He responded to their needs. Jesus calmed the storm on the sea as well as the storm in their souls.
What fear or storm do you need Jesus to quiet in your life?
Lord, I often have more fear in my life than faith. See me as I am straining to make my way forward, come out to visit me, hear my fearful cries, and climb into my boat and calm my heart. In your name, I pray. AMEN.