Read: Acts 15:36-41
The disagreement became so sharp that they parted company; Barnabas took mark with him and sailed to Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and set out... Acts 15:39-40
Our failure does not thwart God’s success. When we stumble, God can still use our falling to further God’s mission. Paul and Barnabas, two men of faith commissioned together by the apostles in Jerusalem, got in an argument and that argument escalated into a separation. This was a moment of failure for both Paul and Barnabas, their fellowship could not withstand their fight. They severed their relationship and went their separate ways. However, the breakup was still used by God in redeeming ways. Because of this separation, the ministry expanded. Paul and Silas went on to Macedonia, and Barnabas and Mark went to Cyprus. Somehow the separation served to further spread the mission. Our brokenness can be the catalyst for God’s ever-expanding blessing. Our failures can be a prelude to God’s success.
Can God use your failure for good?
Lord, I so often view failure as a dead end—I hesitate to believe that there can be positive byproducts of thwarted mission or ambition. And yet, you seem to be able to use all our experiences to further your message. You love us through thick and thin. Success or failure, unity or separation, cross or crown . . . there is not a situation in which you cannot bring about salvation. Glory, glory be to you! In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN.