Church Council: Meeting in a Minute | June 25, 2024

Church Council met on June 25, 2024. The recent Council meeting was packed with important updates and decisions. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:

  • Financial update: John Dawson presented the financials, highlighting we are currently operating at a gain. The New Nursery School has an operating gain as well, largely due to grant income.

  • Playground construction: Groundbreaking for the new playground is set to begin in August and will last for about two weeks. Salvageable structures will be donated to The South Shore Friends of the Homeless.

  • Events policy: A new policy document regarding the use of church grounds for events has been circulated for review and feedback before the next meeting in August.

  • Security and software updates: The council approved a motion to finalize a contract with a cybersecurity vendor to ensure network and data security. Additionally, the council is exploring a transition to a new church management software to streamline tasks and communications, with a task force to be assembled for further exploration.

  • NNS leadership: Kim Foster and Sonia Kleimola have accepted the positions of Director and Assistant Director of the New Nursery School, respectively.

  • Signage committee: Discussions are ongoing about updating the church sign and potentially adding a steeple, cross, and way-finding signs. Costs and maintenance are being considered, with plans to present at the next annual meeting.

  • Music Minister search: With Karen Harvey's resignation effective July 1, 2025, a search committee is being formed to find her replacement.

  • O + A 25th Anniversary: Plans are underway to celebrate the 25th anniversary of becoming an Open and Affirming church on September 15th, with Rev. Dr. Shelley Stackhouse returning to share her experiences.

  • Rainbow doors initiative: Six doors have been procured for an art installation, to be facilitated by Cara Hamilton. The blessing of the doors will be part of the O + A celebration.

  • Summer worship: Summer worship begins next Wednesday, with Bible study sessions starting on Sundays in July. Hybrid options will be available.

Please note, these are not official meeting minutes. These are highlights intended to inform and emphasize the collaborative spirit driving our church community forward in an inclusive manner. Official meeting minutes are available by request from Debbie Wheeler, the Parish Administrator. For further details, check back in to this blog and our weekly newsletter. Keep an eye out for future meeting updates, briefly!


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