Ministries of Hospitality

As Christians, we are called to embody the extravagant love and welcome of Jesus Christ. Our Hospitality Ministry Teams lead the way for us to extend a warm welcome to all who walk through our doors and regularly work to strengthen the bonds of our church community.

Do you find joy in hosting events and creating a sense of warmth and welcome for others? Ministry Teams are always ready to welcome new members to share their God-given gifts in service to the world. To join or learn more about any of the ministries in our Hospitality cohort, contact cohort lead Denise Miller.

Coffee Ministry Team

Promotes welcoming fellowship by serving coffee and punch after Sunday church services. Members are flexible to cover each other for absences and occasionally prepare additional refreshments for meetings, choir, etc. The team always welcomes new members to “serve” with them!


Sponsors and organizes church-wide events throughout the year to improve the congregation’s sense of community and connectedness.


Membership Development

Promotes a welcoming atmosphere at UCC Norwell, encouraging visitors to continue to attend and to become further involved in the church’s ministries. Organizes and runs new member classes for frequent visitors and strives to help new members “get connected” with the church and with other members.


Greets friends and visitors as they enter the sanctuary, distributes bulletins, provides additional seating at the back when needed, and collects the offering. Organized into five teams (one for each Sunday of the month, plus the occasional fifth week) and additional “on call” substitutes, our service is centered on the weekly worship.