

  • Pledges & Gifts to the General Fund – for contributions to our church’s mission and ministry

  • Memorial Fund — for contributions in memory of someone — please indicate the person being honored in the memo field


  • Communion/Deacons Fund – for use by the pastor to help those in need

  • CWS Walk- support for the Church World Service Walk

  • COVID-19 Assistance Fund- support for those impacted by COVID-19 

Special Offerings


  • Building Use – for a reservation to use our building

  • Other – for anything else; please use the memo field to note the purpose

Linden Ponds Unrestricted gifts

Contributions for the Ministry and Mission of the Linden Ponds Community Church (LPCC)

  • Pledges & Gifts to the General Fund – for contributions to LPCC church’s mission and ministry

  • Memorial Fund — for contributions in memory of someone; please indicate the person being honored in the memo field 

New nursery school Unrestricted gifts

  • General Donation – for unrestricted contributions to support early childhood education